An automatic mail connectivity with customs? An example implementation

How to automatically exchange data with customs? Whereas previously it was always free to import small packages from outside the EU, a change in legislation has made it mandatory to declare all packages. Due to this change, a customer was looking for a robust and maintainable integration solution to automate the data traffic of these declarations.

Is the sun finally setting on Microsoft's BizTalk?


In de loop der jaren hebben we binnen eMagiz verschillende klanten gehad die gebruik maakten van het Microsoft BizTalk platform. Waarom hebben sommige klanten dan toch besloten om de afgelopen jaren afscheid te nemen van BizTalk?

State generation – Toegevoegde waarde door continu data inzicht

In de afgelopen decennia zijn grote hoeveelheden data opgeslagen in allerlei soorten databases, data lakes en data warehouses. Databronnen waarvan organisaties vaak wel weten dat ze ze bezitten maar welke zelden worden gebruikt om real-time decision making te ondersteunen. Wat als we de mogelijkheid introduceren om specifieke datapunten te persisteren uit bestaande ‘stateless data’ in transit om stateful data te produceren? In deze blog vertelt Geert je er meer over.

MQTT: the Standard for IoT Messaging

MQTT, an OASIS standard messaging protocol for IoT. In his blog, Samet tells you how to tackle this topic, what processing style is required and how to connect your data streams to your processing engine using MQTT. He also tells which version to use to implement MQTT.

The digital twin, the solution for real-time decision making

As processes and assets are becoming more and more complicated, we also need to evolve the way in which we develop, manage and maintain them. Tools as the digital twin are needed to meet new realities of software driven processes and products. In this blog Mark explain what a digital twin exactly is and how you can develop one.
