GeONE is made up of a group of enthusiasts who get excited about information and document management challenges from organizations that want to move forward. Organizations that realize that data, documents and information play a defining role in their success. Tomorrow even more than today.
With their intelligent solutions, they optimize business processes and align them with business goals. GeONE transforms the IT department from a cost center to a profit center. In this way they contribute to the profitability, service orientation and innovative capacity of the organization. The result is leading, not the solution.

GeONE is a Value added Business Solution partner and an Integration Solution Partner of eMagiz. This means that they use and deliver the eMagiz platform and related services, to integrate their business solution with all common applications, devices and/or protocols. GeONE is fully certified to sell the entire eMagiz licensing and cloud portfolio and provide all related professional and managed services. For more information visit their website or contact us.